Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Communication Systems

Communication Systems

In case of sending and receiving messages or data from one place to other place, we have many elements working together. All these elements put together to work efficiently is known as system. The communication system has the sole purpose of passing data or information in the most effective manner.

Communication system is the combination of the hardware, software and data transfer links that make up a communication facility of transferring data in a cost effective manner.

A communication system can either be analog or digital or a combination of the two. That is, the information can be transmitted in either analog or digital form with in the communication network. E.g. computer generated data are to be sent over analog telephone lines, the digital signals must be converted to analog form. The technique by which a digital signal is converted to its analog form is known as modulation. The reserve process that is conversion to its analog signal to its digital form at the destination device called demodulation. The process of modulation and demodulation that is the conversion of digital data to analog from and vice versa is carried out by a special device called modem (modulation/demodulation).

The analog form of message is sent via telephone line and then it reaches the destination where they are again transformed into digital pulses by the other modem connected with the receiver PC. Thus the message or data is transmitted and received by the two PC’s.

As the analog signal passes through the telephone lines, its strength starts decreasing with the distance, so amplifiers are used to boost the strength of the signal. These amplifiers add noise to the signal which sometimes causes disruption of the message. But good quality of the modem at receiving end as well as at the transmitting end is able to cut down the effect of the noise.


Anonymous said...

In a world in which computer networks are involved in nearly every facet of business and personal life, it is paramount that each of us understand the basic features, operations and limitations of different types of computer networks.

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